Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia!

To renew all in Christ.
Ephesians 1:10
We are 8,000 wild and wonderful Episcopalians in 60 congregations all over the mountain state.
We are a diocese of The Episcopal Church and members of the worldwide Anglican Communion. As Episcopalians/Anglicans we are inheritors of the Catholic tradition and the Protestant Reformation. Our worship follows the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer and our witness follows the pattern of Jesus Christ who sent us to transform the world in his love.
Our history of worship and witness in West Virginia is as rich and complex as the mountains and hollows that embrace us. The Episcopal Church signs you’ll see often have a phrase on them, “All are welcome.” We mean it. The Episcopal Church welcomes all. As Christians, we see God’s love as bigger than we could ask or imagine. The Baptismal vows we take include “striving for justice and peace” and respecting “the dignity of every human being.” That includes you, whoever you are, however God made you, and with whatever you are struggling with. The Episcopal Church embraces the diversity with which God’s wild imagination has made us and believe that we are a stronger Christian community because of it.
“Mountains do not need other mountains, but people do need other people.”
Basque proverb
Our Bishop
Welcome to the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia! I’m glad you’ve stepped through our digital doors. As you make your way through our pages online and as you meet Episcopalians …
Diocesan Staff
The Diocesan Staff consists of both office staff in Charleston as well as others with specialized ministries around the Diocese.
Contact Us
The offices of the Diocese of West Virginia are located in downtown Charleston. You’ll find us in the historic Ruffner family home one block from the state capitol. Location:The Episcopal …