Diocesan Council
Diocesan Council is the elected body that conducts the business and affairs of the Diocese in between conventions. The composition of Diocesan Council is outlined in the Canons of our Diocese. Diocesan Council includes the following: the Bishop Diocesan, the Bishop Coadjutor, if there be one, and the Bishop Suffragan, if there be one, and the following other members with seat, voice and vote:
(1) Convener of the Women’s Ministries Committee
(2) President of the Episcopal Churchmen
(3) President of the Youth Council
(4) Chair of the Commission on Racism and Diversity
(5) One Clergy Member and one Lay Member from each Deanery, elected in accordance with the Deanery’s by-laws and, if either position becomes vacant, replaced according to the Deanery’s by-laws
The following shall be ex-officio members of the Diocesan Council with seat and voice, but no vote:
(1) Chancellor, or Vice Chancellor if the Chancellor cannot be present
(2) Treasurer
(3) An Assistant Bishop, if there be one
(4) Specific Diocesan Staff who provide information and advice to Diocesan Council